Monday, October 15, 2018

Bipolar women

How do you know if someone is bipolar? What are the signs of being bipolar? Bipolar disorder occurs with similar frequency in men and women. With proper medical treatment and symptom management, women with bipolar disorder have a favorable outlook.

Bipolar can cause different effects in women than men. Some symptoms of bipolar disorder are the same in men and women , while others are more gender-specific.

Symptoms that are common in both men and women include: high or irritated mood. Bipolar for me (and actually for many women over 40) tends to express itself more as a nagging sense of the blues , anxiety, and tension, which is very different from discrete, diagnostically. Bipolar II (pronounced “ bipolar two”) disorder is the most common type of bipolar disorder. It affects more women than men. A woman struggling with this disorder may be unable to ask for help.

Isolation can occur during the depressive episodes, as well as embarrassment or denial, which may lead a woman to avoid asking for help. Irrational behavior during the manic episode may be frustrating for her,. Women and men may display bipolar disorder signs and symptoms in completely different ways.

While bipolar symptoms in women tend to be prone to encounter rapid cycling concerning bipolar disorders, meaning that at least four cases of mania, hypomania and also depression may occur in a single year. These mood swings, called episodes of mania and depression, are the classic signs of bipolar disorder. Women who have bipolar disorder are at risk for experiencing an episode after giving birth, especially a depressive episode. Women who experience a depressive or manic episode after giving birth are also more likely to have episodes after other pregnancies. Bipolar affective disorder in women is a challenging disorder to treat.

It is unique in its presentation in women and characterized by later age of onset, seasonality, atypical presentation, and a higher degree of mixed episodes. Women with bipolar disorder are at high risk of developing postpartum psychosis, which is a medical emergency. When you become depresse you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities.

The bipolar person will often feel physically unattractive and undesirable. Lack of hygiene and grooming will often accompany with these feelings. Feelings of inadequacy, vulnerability, and worthlessness interfere with intimacy.

Exhaustion can make even the pursuit of sex emotionally and physically draining. Being a woman with bipolar disorder brings its own set of challenges. People attribute all sorts of physical issues and emotional reactions to being a woman. While some of the behavior you experience might seem very similar, a personality disorder can be much more erratic and inconsistent than a mood disorder.

This is what makes BPD a much more difficult type of relationship to deal with. People with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder experience extreme shifts in mood that can result in manic or depressive episodes.

Without treatment, these shifts in mood can make it difficult to. There are as many experiences with bipolar disorder as there are people with bipolar. These experiences run the gamut from wonderful and exciting to confusing, disappointing and devastating. This article addresses some of the issues that can arise when dealing with a spouse with bipolar disorder. During these times, the normal things you do and say to please your loved one no longer work.

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