Monday, July 16, 2018

Internal bleeding symptoms

How to check for internal bleeding? Headache, seizures, and loss of consciousness could be the result of internal bleeding in the brain. What does internal bleeding mean? Any of these signs of internal bleeding after a trauma should be treated as a medical emergency.

The injured person needs to be evaluated in a hospital emergency room. Pain is a common symptom of internal bleeding, as blood is very irritating to tissues.

In some areas of the body, pain may be localized to the area of bleeding. With areas such as the abdomen, however,. If there is bleeding in the stomach, the patient may vomit bright red blood ,. Sometimes, blood in the abdominal cavity moves toward the skin,. Immediate medical care is needed. Serious injuries may cause heavy bleeding.

An example is a scalp wound. You may bleed a lot if you take blood-thinning medicine or have a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia.

A laceration of the skin bleeds, a person may cough or vomit bloo or a woman develops vaginal bleeding. At first, there may be no symptoms of internal bleeding. If an organ is damaged and it bleeds, it can be painful. Over time, internal bleeding can cause low blood pressure (hypotension), increased heart rate (tachycardia), increased breathing rate (tachypnea), confusion, drowsiness, and loss of consciousness.

Usually, the vital organs affected due to internal bleeding are- brain, heart, stomach, and lungs. One broken femur (thigh bone) can cause an internal blood loss of more than quart. An individual may experience internal bleeding due to stomach ulcers,. Internal bleeding may also occur due to fractured bones.

When same things happen to brain vessels it causes internal bleeding in the brain which is known as Brain Hemorrhage. In the medical terminology, it is known as Intra Cranial Hemorrhage (ICH). Bleeding actually occurs when blood vessels are ruptured. Other symptoms include nausea and vomiting, and possibly excretion or vomiting of blood.

However, sometimes, there may be slow internal bleeding which allows time to seek medical help. You should regularly check your dog for any symptom of internal bleeding , even after the treatment of trauma is successfully completed. They depend on the location of the bleeding , the severity of the bleeding , and the amount of tissue affected. The symptoms of a brain hemorrhage can vary.

They may progressively worsen or suddenly appear. If you exhibit any of the following symptoms ,.

What's Normal and What's Not. Symptoms may develop suddenly or over time.

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