Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Baby blues after c section

Having surgery, the changes in your hormone levels, or an unexpected cesarean birth can lead to a mild depression called “baby blues. Pain, the stress of new responsibilities, and lack of sleep can make the baby blues worse. Anyone else feel like this after a section ? Some women experience postpartum depression after c - section , whether due to feelings of anxiety about taking care of a new baby , lack of sleep, or a history of mental illness.

Symptoms can include thoughts of suicide, anxiety or panic attacks, depression, and anger. C section and baby blues.

Learn about the emotions you may experience after your c - section and how to cope with them, including depression and PTSD if it was an emergency c - section. What causes the baby blues ? The baby blues can be triggered by physical changes, emotional factors, or both. After birth, your body changes rapidly. Breast-feeding positions that work well during C - section recovery include: Football hold. Hold your baby at your side, with your elbow bent.

I’m not talking the ‘baby blues,’ the two-week period after birth when many exhausted moms feel sad and teary. No, for some new mothers it’s something deeper and lingering — postpartum depression and anxiety. Cam was born I had my first company come to visit and provide some relief.

If you are feeling low, sa depresse have thoughts of harming yourself or your baby call your doctor–ask for help right away. Women who have had an unplanned C - section may experience grief afterward if they view the experience to not delivery vaginally as a loss. I hope that other women can get in touch with those feeling or rage, betrayal, loss, etc.

I say, their c - section. Inadequate anesthesia-my epidural wore off during surgery and the anesthesiologist didn’t believe me. If these emotions are not totally overwhelming or debilitating and eventually go away on their own within a few weeks, they are considered the “ baby blues. In the case of postpartum depression, however, the sadness and anxiety are more severe and come on right. Even if you had been prepared for all possibilities, the reality of changing plans can be a shock.

Whether you had a scheduled or unplanned cesarean section , the recovery may be a bit of a shock to you. There are a couple of things that can help ease your recovery and get you back on your feet in no time after surgery. Baby Blues : Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment How often do women experience the “ baby blues ? About one in women are unwell after the caesarean and need care in a high-dependency unit. Around in 1women may need time in intensive care. I am a FTM and had our baby on Oct 10th at weeks and days.

I was induced and ended up having an unplanned c section. I am feeling better each day, but still feeling the baby blues and having a hard time processing the birth emotionally. My first was an emergent c - section after hours of labor. I had a feeling it was going to happen, so I kind of made my peace beforehand.

I had my second by planned c - section a few months ago and the recovery was much easier.

I had the option to try to labor, but I just wanted a safe delivery, and I already knew what to expect from the surgery. The birth of a baby can trigger a jumble of powerful emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. But it can also result in something you might not expect — depression. Most new moms experience postpartum baby blues after childbirth, which commonly include mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and difficulty sleeping.

They begin after the birth of the baby and are normal and natural, bringing the placenta out. For nursing moms, the oxytocin released while nursing may cause you to notice some cramping right after the birth and during the first few days of nursing. Baby Blues chronicles the adventures of the McPherson family and its three children. Created by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott.

Your C - section may be planned for the delivery of your baby. Just a few days after giving birth, you may feel moody, weepy and irritable. It’s probably the last thing you expected to feel after the joy and elation of having your baby.

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