One important factor that can easily balance a person’s mood is. Sleep deprivation or insomnia are major symptoms of many depressive mood. Exercise improves the functioning of our bodies.
The five foods for beating depression Fish oils: Contain omega-fatty acids. Research has shown that depressed people often lack a fatty acid known as EPA. Take a break from media overload.
Turn the TV off and do not read the newspapers. Most of what you hear on TV and read in the papers is not good news. This is not the time to read and listen to sad stories and ponder.
Ideally try to figure out what is causing your depression. Is it real concern, maybe personal or job related stress. There are two kinds of problems that affect us. Those with a solution and those without. The later you just have to ignore.
Nurture yourself with good nutrition.
Identify troubles , but don't dwell on them. Depression can affect appetite. If you’re depresse you need a routine, says Ian Cook, MD.
It temporarily boosts feel-good chemicals called endorphins. Answer: Grapefruit Juice.