Tuesday, March 5, 2019

What causes postnatal depression

Can sleep-breathing problems cause postpartum depression? Our expert explains which factors can make you vulnerable to developing PND. It is very common and almost considered normal to have these.

This is an uncommon but severe form of mental illness. Postnatal (puerperal) psychosis.

The most common factor that causes depression in ladies in owing to the hormonal changes in the body post giving birth to the baby. Most experts believe that PND is caused by a combination of factors. The hormonal changes that happen after having a baby can affect some women more than others.

Social, emotional and psychological factors also play a big part. You’re more likely to suffer from PND if you were depressed while you were pregnant, or before you became pregnant. It is thought that postnatal depression may be caused by a combination of biological and psychosocial factors. What causes postnatal depression?

Studies have shown that genetic and hormonal changes may play a role in the development of postnatal depression, although no clear associations have been observed.

There are many causes of postpartum depression in women. Postpartum Depression Causes. Potential causes include genetic predispositions, the mother’s health history and countless other environmental, physical and emotional factors.

Symptoms include sadness and hopelessness. Counseling and antidepressants are treatment options. Perhaps you’ve had postnatal depression, or another mood disorder, before. It’s also more likely to affect you if your family has a history of depression, postnatal depression, or mental illness.

Though a history of depression increases your risk of PN it doesn’t mean that you’ll automatically get it. They may be caused by difficult or traumatic experiences before, during or just after childbirth. After childbirth, the levels of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in a woman’s body quickly drop.

The alteration in hormones after child birth has previously been blamed as the cause of postnatal depression. Between and percent of all new mothers reportedly suffer from postnatal depression. A woman is vulnerable when she has recently given birth and the combination of too many stress factors at this time causes some women to develop PND.

Factors contributing to postnatal depression. The exact causes of PND are still not known. Some contributing factors might include: physical changes – even a relatively easy birth is an overwhelming experience for a woman’s body.

In addition, the sudden drop in pregnancy hormones affects brain chemicals (neurotransmitters). Onset is typically between one week and one month following childbirth. PPD can also negatively affect the newborn child. While there are no known causes as to why some moms get PN there are factors that put some people at a greater risk than others.

First-time moms are at a higher risk of getting PND as the drastic physical, social, emotional and hormonal changes that come with having your first baby can cause depression and anxiety. It follows about percent of births, in first-time moms and those who’ve given birth before. It can cause severe mood swings, exhaustion, and a sense of hopelessness.

The intensity of those feelings can make it difficult to care for your baby or yourself. If you have a history of depression , this can be a risk factor for postnatal. A small number of women who develop postnatal depression have. The birth of a baby brings changes to your life.

This may be due to the masculine reluctance to talk about their feelings, to admit failure in their perceived roles as fathers or husbands, or the lack of support. Paternal PND is more insidious in onset than in mothers. Okay, the second risk factor for postnatal depression is having a previous mental health problem So, when you have a baby, it leads to a significant change in loads of different areas of your life—from your roles and responsibilities, to your daily routines, your social networks, your relationships with your partner, your relationship with your own parents These things are transformed in a way that you will never have experienced before, and this can be very destabilising And any previous.

The symptoms are similar to those in depression at other times. These include low mood and other symptoms lasting at least two weeks. Depending on the severity, you may struggle to look after yourself and your baby.

Some mental health problems like postpartum psychosis or postnatal PTSD have clearer causes , but for many people it may be a combination of risk factors that mean you develop a mental health problem.

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