Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Common phobias

How are the most common phobias or fears treated? Animal phobias are pretty common, especially for women. What is the rarest phobia? Musophobia – The fear of mice.

Some people find mice cute, but phobics don’t.

Catoptrophobia – The fear of mirrors. Being afraid of what you might see. Agliophobia – The fear of pain. Fortunately, safe and effective treatments are available which may include psychotherapy , medication, or a combination of both.

Phobias are common, but also treatable. If you believe that you have the symptoms of some type of phobia, consult your doctor for further evaluation and treatment advice. Most phobias can be treated with a combination of therapy and something called systemic desensitization.

This is where people are repeatedly exposed to the thing that they fear in an effort to overcome that fear.

In some cases, anti-anxiety medications may also be used. Hundreds of different phobias have been identifie including phobophobia or fear of phobias. But when talking about phobias , which are a kind of anxiety disorder. Social phobia is an anxiety disorder triggered by social events or interaction.

To the sufferer, a phobia can seem unbearable or even life-threatening, while others might find these strange and bizarre phobias quite fascinating. In common usage, they also form words that describe dislike or hatred of a particular thing or subject (e.g. homophobia). The suffix is antonymic to -phil-. For more information on the psychiatric side, including how psychiatry groups phobias such as agoraphobia, social phobia, or simple phobia, see phobia.

Thankfully, phobias are highly treatable, and treatments are usually very effective. Many who receive therapy for phobias see significant in as little as 1-treatment sessions. Some utilize self-help strategies for dealing with and treating phobias , which may be effective for certain individuals. The percentage of this phobia greatly differs from one country to another, depending on their social well-being. Many common phobias develop in childhood.

Types of specific phobias include those to certain animals, natural environment situations, blood or injury, and specific situations. The most common are fear of spiders, fear of snakes, and fear of heights. Many dogs have sound phobias to loud noises like.

Specific phobias in children are common and usually disappear over time.

Only about of specific. After researching this list of common phobias we’re feeling a little Phobophobic, a phobia of phobias. But the most feared date on the calendar is only one out of hundreds of phobias.

Check out the infographic below for some of the most common phobias that affect Americans today.

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