Monday, April 24, 2017

Signs of depression in pregnancy

What are symptoms of prenatal depression? How does it feel to be depressed during pregnancy? Is it normal to have depression while pregnant? How to screen for depression during pregnancy? These can be exacerbated by difficult life situations, which can result in depression during pregnancy.

Section: Pregnancy health conditions.

It’s a time when everyone expects you to be ‘glowing’, yet if you’re down in the dumps every other day, feel more stressed and anxious than you do happy, you could be suffering from prenatal depression. Depression is a medical condition that needs treatment to get better. Untreated depression during pregnancy can cause problems for you and your baby, like premature birth. Learn the signs and symptoms of depression.

Sadness and melancholy. Loss of interest in day to day activities. Insomnia or excessive sleeping. Trouble with concentration and focus. Helplessness and loss of hope.

If guilt feeling persists. A feeling of hopelessness. Extreme changes in sleeping pattern like sleeping for very limited time or for a longer. Sleeping too much or insomniac.

Suicidal thoughts and depressed. Irritable and continually crying or silent. Feeling worthless or having. Stress related to pregnancy can contribute to the return or worsening of depression symptoms. You may be less able to follow medical recommendations, as well as sleep and eat properly.

The earliest signs of pregnancy are more than a missed period. They may also include morning sickness , smell sensitivity , and fatigue. According to medical survey, nearly thirteen percent of women go through a feeling of downheartedness during pregnancy.

At this time abundant changes in hormones has a direct effect on chemicals situated in brain and these lead to depression. Women with depression or anxiety around pregnancy tell us that they feel: Extremely sad or angry without warning. Foggy or have trouble completing tasks. Robotic, like they are just going through the motions. Very anxious around the baby and their other children.

Guilty and like they are.

But for some, pregnancy is clouded by depression , a condition that puts not only the mother at risk, but the child as well. For more than of pregnant women, the coming birth of a child is mingled with ongoing feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and anxiety, as well as a decreased appetite and problems sleeping. A depressed mother may develop post partum depression as well, if the depression continues after her baby is born.

Are any of these things happening to you? If so, you could be suffering from depression. Or, at the very least, it is beginning to rear its ugly head in your pregnancy.

Excessive worrying all the time. Everything makes you irritable, including your spouse and baby. You can’t be around other people. Recurrent and intrusive thoughts. Children as well as mothers suffer.

Having trouble sleeping or general fatigue are considered normal symptoms during pregnancy. An estimated percent to percent of women will experience symptoms of depression during pregnancy. However, these depressive symptoms are often more minor than a full-blown diagnosis of depression , which is typically seen in about of pregnant women and new mothers.

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