Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Baby blues after birth

How long is postpartum considered? The exact cause of the “baby blues” is unknown at this time. It is thought to be related to the hormone changes that occur during pregnancy and again after a baby is born. Baby blues are feelings of sadness a woman may have in the first few days after having a baby.

Postpartum means after giving birth.

The baby blues can be triggered by physical changes, emotional factors, or both. After birth , your body changes rapidly. Your hormone levels drop, your breasts may become engorged as your milk comes in, and you will most likely be exhausted. Symptoms include anxiety, weepiness, irritability, and more.

It’s not full on, hard core depression, but rather a negative or down feeling. Most women suffer through for a week or and then the hormones begin to level out. The result of this hormone overlord is that you get some bit of anxiety and constant mood changes - known as the baby blues - that peak around five days after delivery of the child and usually go away within days.

Many women have the baby blues in the days after childbirth. In fact, it is estimated that to of all mothers experience postpartum blues after birth. Your body has some major adjustments to make, which may include coming down from the adrenaline high that you felt when your baby was born. Women can experience a low mood and feel midly depressed at a time when they expect they should feel happy after having a baby. Baby blues are probably due to the sudden hormonal and chemical changes that take place in your body after childbirth.

Generally the baby blues start around hours post birth and may last between hours to a couple of weeks. Personally, I experienced very different reactions to these fluctuations in hormones. They happen after the sudden drop in your hormone (oestrogen) and chemical levels just after you give birth.

A lot of new mums find themselves feeling weepy and irritable and not knowing why. What causes the baby blues ? It usually occurs within the first three days following birth and continues for a couple of weeks and goes away on its own. The “baby blues” are the least severe form of postpartum depression.

Approximately to of all new mothers will experience some negative feelings after giving birth. Normally these feelings occur suddenly four to five days after the birth of the baby. These changes can trigger mood swings,.

Baby blues (also called postpartum blues ) are feelings of sadness a woman may have in the first few days after having a baby.

Many years ago, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development found that percent of fathers felt blue some time during the first four months following the birth of their baby. Is it the baby blues or postpartum depression? The majority of women experience at least some symptoms of the baby blues immediately after childbirth. It’s caused by the sudden change in hormones after delivery, combined with stress, isolation, sleep deprivation, and fatigue. You might feel more tearful, overwhelme and emotionally fragile.

As many as three out of every four women will experience the short-term mood swings known as the baby blues after their baby is born. But nearly experience more serious and longer-lasting. Just a few days after giving birth , you may feel moody, weepy and irritable. It's probably the last thing you expected to feel after the joy and elation of having your baby.

This is called the baby blues. Baby blues occurs due to the psychological changes women encounters after giving birth. Unsubscribe from The Baer Family? Many new mothers have the baby blues after giving birth. Changing hormones , anxiety about caring for the baby , and lack of sleep all affect your emotions.

Be patient with yourself. If the new mom still seems truly overwhelmed several weeks after the baby comes home, or experiences bouts of crying, irritability or sleep disruptions (other than those caused by the baby ), encourage her to talk to her practitioner about it.

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