Partner experiencing postnatal depression - a clear link has been shown between a dad experiencing symptoms of postnatal depression and his partner also suffering from the illness. Like new mums, new fathers are also likely to struggle with the financial pressures and change in lifestyle that can occur following the birth of a baby. Liz has a diploma in humanistic counselling and a wealth of experience and success in counselling mothers with postnatal depression. Depression is only one of the common postnatal mental health issues experienced by women.
Information and Resources Factsheets and articles on website.
These resources aim to help you understand what is going on for you and your baby and to make constructive choices about how to respond to their needs. Between and of women have depression and anxiety in pregnancy and after birth. PND is an illness and will get better in time. The reasons for this are multifactorial and the symptoms are many and varied. The EPDS has a high sensitivity () and specificity () for postnatal depression , and is used by many health visitors and in many clinical research studies of postnatal depression.
The good news is that postnatal depression can be treated and you will get better over time.