Tuesday, January 14, 2020

What happens in your brain when you have depression

What happens in the brain with depression? It causes feelings of sadness or hopelessness that can last anywhere from a few days to a few years. However, when you ’re depresse it needs even more, with glucose being the main need. Sometimes, this is the reason why many gain weight when they’re sad or depressed.

The focus in these next chapters will be on brain changes in depression.

Other conditions like bipolar disorder will be included where possible, particularly in the section on how medications work. We’ll start by looking at what happens if depression arrives and stays a long time: unremitting depression ”, we could call it. If you ’ve ever suffered from depression , as 3million people world-wide have , you know that it’s a heavy weight that sits on your chest and fogs your brain, leading to difficulties with even simple tasks like deciding what to eat for lunch. It is important to remember that depression is a disease with a biological basis, along with psychological and social implications. Can you explain what goes on in the brain to make people depressed?

Some experience mild depression just occasionally, while others have severe depression throughout their lives. This is what they told us. Different people are affected differently by the condition.

But if you need help, there are certain things to expect from. Brain malfunctions related to depression can have a genetic component, although genetics alone does not fully explain the risk or emergence of clinical depression. Experts are not sure why depression in cognitive dysfunction, but they agree there is a link between the two. A widower in his late 60s, Kenneth had low-level depression for over years that became severe after the death of his wife.

Luckily, there are many different treatment options for these conditions. In a very real sense, you have two brains, one inside your skull and one in your gut (the so-called enteric nervous system), and each needs its own vital nourishment. The researchers have noted brain changes, mainly in areas associated with emotion. It looks like you have javascript turned off. Depression affects how people think, feel and behave.

Researchers have found that gut bacteria alter small molecules called microRNAs in areas of the brain that are involved in anxiety and depression. Your gut bacteria might be to blame. What follows is an overview of the current understanding of the major factors believed to play a role in the causes of depression. Popular lore has it that emotions reside in the heart. Science, though, tracks the seat of your emotions to the brain.

Certain areas of the brain help regulate mood. In fact, you have a greater concentration of serotonin in your gut than in. There are a number of helpful here referring to well-known factors, but I just wanted to point out some very fresh research (as of the time of my writing) that demonstrates anatomical changes in areas.

Neurotransmitters and Anxiety. Your brain responds directly to neurotransmitters – little chemicals inside your body that send messages to your brain about how you should feel, think, act, and more. Several things happen at the beginning of a migraine attack, and we are not yet sure exactly what happens first, or whether one leads to another.

CHANGES IN YOUR BRAIN —CORTICAL SPREADING DEPRESSION. We know that there are waves of electrical changes that go across the brain , starting at the back and moving slowly towards the front. We often go into a state of depression because of the loss we are experiencing.

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