Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What is it like to take antidepressants

Bothersome side effects, such as dry mouth, weight gain or sexual side effects, can make it difficult to stick with treatment. Discuss possible major side effects with your doctor or pharmacist. There are certainly people who can take antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication short-term.

It’s frustrating that for those people, there are few options in terms of medication that can be discontinued without issue. But there are many of us who need to be medicated indefinitely,. And that’s when she transitioned into a talk.

When you start your antidepressant , keep in close touch with your doctor and stay positive—you can find a way to treat your condition,. Fear: Taking an antidepressant is a sign of weakness. Fact: Like medical conditions such as diabetes or high cholesterol, major depression is a condition that often responds to medication. When depression interferes with your ability to function normally, seeking treatment is not a sign of weakness. There are many types of antidepressants , and it can take years to find a regime that works well for you.

It can even change over time as your brain chemistry adjusts to long term antidepressant use. A prescription for antidepressants is like the new little black dress: Everyone needs one. Well I’m here to tell you that sometimes, you really need them and others times, you’re just being a little bitch.

Once you’ve been on an antidepressant for a while and are feeling like yourself most of the time, you may be able to switch to a maintenance medication regimen or stop taking your antidepressant completely with the help of your doctor. This decision is often dependent on how many depressive episodes you’ve had. Continue taking antidepressant medicine even when you start to feel better. Although it may be tempting to stop medication as your mood lifts, continue taking it for as long as your doctor recommends. You can do the same with antidepressant medicine.

As an individual, certain antidepressants to me feel a certain way. Imagine hiking for a long time with a heavy pack strapped to you,. Antidepressants are prescription medications used to treat the symptoms of depression, chronic pain, and other mood disorders. They’re said to work by increasing the levels of certain chemicals —. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a type of antidepressant medicine.

SSRIs are one of the most common types of medicine taken by people with depression. SSRIs work by affecting a chemical in your brain called serotonin. Serotonin helps to control your mood and make you feel content. Men may experience difficulty in getting or keeping an erection, or delayed ejaculation.

Tricyclic antidepressants are dangerous in overdose. During the first couple of weeks of taking them, you may feel sick and more anxious. Among the newer antidepressants, those that influence the serotonin system — selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs, now commonly known as SRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) — are associated with a number of withdrawal symptoms, often called antidepressant or SRI discontinuation.

If you can, try to make it to the day mark.

If the symptoms do not decrease by then, it may not be the med for you. Just my opinion but no need to suffer any longer then you have to.

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