Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What does depression feel like reddit

What does seasonal depression feel like? How to help someone through depression? It was less effort to craft this elaborate lie, which became the source of more depression as a constant reminder that I was screwing myself, and worse, I was lying to my incredibly supportive girlfriend of four years. It makes it hard to be motivate and I always feel tired but not sleepy.

Depending on whether its sadness about yourself or situations around you occurring, varies in terms of forms of depression.

I would recommend understanding the issues you are faced with and try to come out of that issues individually. Try to understand the blackness, lethargy , hopelessness , and loneliness they’re going through. Be there for them when they come through the other side. Them socially withdrawing, sleeping in, not eating, and not exercising is a symptom of the disease , not the treatment.

Everything you used to love becomes very unsatisfying and uninteresting. Depression is like that, but everything in life is like that bland food. These descriptions from people living with depression provide insight into the pain, anguish, and distress of someone trapped in what many consider a living nightmare.

It can cause long-lasting and severe feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities. It can also cause physical symptoms of pain, appetite changes, and sleep problems. Read this article to understand what it really feels like to have serious depression , and how this. Apathy is a common feeling with depression.

And it certainly feels like something: In general, the worse the painful physical symptoms,. A weight on your heart even though you have so much to be grateful for and happy about. Knowing that you should be grateful and happy, but not being able to do it. If you know someone who’s depresse please resolve never to ask them why.

The deep despair and hopelessness that goes along with depression can make suicide feel like the only way to escape the pain. Described by the National Headache Foundation as “tension headaches,” this type of. It’s like having two different people inside of your head. But you also have depression that tells you there’s no point doing anything because it’s all worthless anyway, so you stay in bed. In many ways, depression is like running on a treadmill.

It takes a great deal of effort — along with a physical and mental toll — but you don’t get anywhere. But, unlike when on a treadmill, you don’t have any positive outcomes.

But if you’ve never struggled with your mental health, it’s incredibly hard to understand. You feel acutely alone. So we asked people to try and explain it. Aside from causing a general feeling of sadness, depression is known for causing feelings of hopelessness that don’t seem to go away.

The term “depression” has become common in mainstream society. So if anyone thinks suicidal people are stupi please realize that when you are holding the knife or pills like me, that it’s not easy to put them down. I can’t tell you how many times I almost killed myself.

But all I ask, is that you understand. They don’t go away after time.

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