Monday, May 14, 2018

Feeling down after birth

Many women suffer in silence. After giving birth to your baby, your body undergoes many changes. Know what to expect from your body after pregnancy during the first weeks and learn how to alleviate some of the discomfort you may experience. After birth your breasts will be soft, as they only contain a little colostrum.

This is the rich, creamy first milk full of antibodies that help to protect your baby from infection.

After a few days your breasts will begin to make milk. This is often called your milk ‘coming in’, and your breasts may feel hot, swollen and tender. If you’re still feeling low after this, speak to your GP or midwife as it might be something more serious. Read more about the baby blues here.

A very normal feeling after giving birth is that of sensitivity. You may feel deeply affected emotionally by everyone and everything. Watching the news could have you in tears, leaving you feeling.

Its thought to be more common after a bad birth experience or when couples, and women particularly, have unrealistic expectations about becoming a mother or parent for the first time.

If, however, you push before the C-section, the baby puts a lot of pressure on your perineum, cervix and entire vaginal area (and your practitioner will be stretching and massaging the perineum to help open the pathway). So your vagina may very well. Here’s what you need to know to find out if you are experiencing hormone imbalance, how long it will take your hormones to settle down after childbirth, and what you can do to help reduce the rollercoaster effects of.

In a week, your uterus weighs a little over a pound – half of what it weighed just after you gave birth. Only had stitches so not bad and all healed now. However i complained shortly after her birth of feeling heavy down there.

It almost feels like it did when i was pushing her out in hospital! A lot of walking or being on your feet in the first few days or weeks after the birth can mean your muscles get tired more easily and stretch more. This can cause an uncomfortable dragging or heavy feeling down below in your vaginal area. OMG, thought it was only me, but I dont get bad pmt before, but after my period has stoppe wham, it hits me like a tonne of bricks.

Feeling down after birth experience If you had a traumatic birth , post here to get support from other Netmums. I also felt extremely down after a bad birth experience. Like you I had a smooth pregnancy and I kept being told everything would be so easy. Well my labour ended up going on for hours.

My baby ended up distressed and so did I as the pain was incredible. The pool wasn’t available. You might find yourself feeling angry, sa irritable, or discouraged.

Feeling sad or hopeless for more than days after giving birth. You may have postpartum depression (also called PPD), a kind of depression some women get after having a baby. PPD is strong feelings of sadness, anxiety (worry) and tiredness that last for a long time after giving birth. Talk to your health visitor or doctor about how you’re feeling.

They are there to support you. Watch our video for more information on the signs of postnatal depression. Check out these new mum essentials for the first three months after birth.

Don’t let these postpartum symptoms catch you by surprise after the baby arrives.

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