Thursday, January 25, 2018

Causes of depression in women

Depression in women is common, especially during times of hormonal fluctuations. Learn more from WebMD about how depression in women is treated during various stages of her life. Health problems, in general, especially those of chronic illness or disability can prompt depression in women, as can medical life changes – such as frequent dieting and smoking cessation.

Women are more prone to psychological causes of depression than men. In addition to biological and psychological causes , women can become depressed due to major life events, such as pregnancy and giving birth.

Although the causes of depression are still being studie current research suggests that depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Understanding depression in women. Depression can impact every area of a woman’s life—including your physical health, social life, relationships, career, and sense of self-worth—and is complicated by factors such as reproductive hormones, social pressures, and the unique female response to stress. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression , it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. WebMD explains what research has discovered about the causes of depression - from genetics to illnesses and medications to major life events.

Studies show that of adults with depression have obesity. Women , especially white women , with depression are more likely to have obesity than women without depression are.

Women with depression are also more likely than men with depression to have obesity. Women are two times more likely to suffer from depression in comparison to men. The difference endures across ethnic, racial and economic divides. For a matter of fact, the rate of depression in terms of gender can be found in most of the parts around the globe.

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Symptoms of depression in men. Different people experience different symptoms of depression , and symptoms for men can differ from symptoms for women. Men are likely to exhibit some of the following symptoms of. With postpartum depression , mothers develop symptoms of depression after giving birth.

It’s normal to be emotional because of the changing hormones, but postpartum depression is a serious condition. It can affect anyone at almost any age, but the reasons some people become depressed are not always known. Researchers suspect there are actually many different causes of depression and that it is not always preventable.

Factors that can contribute to depression include.

Depression affects the ability to feel, think, and handle daily activities. Also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression , a man must have symptoms for at least two weeks to be diagnosed with depression. Both men and women get depression but their willingness to talk about their feelings may be very different. This factor can be added to the list of causes of depression in women.

Role strain is one more stressor which can result in depression. Those women who do not receive help and support at home are at the highest risk, as well as single mothers. Both physical abuse and sex abuse are very serious causes of depression in women.

Suicide rates are the highest for this age group, which means depressed women over pose a greater risk to themselves. Rather, there are many possible causes of depression , including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems. It is vital for women suffering from postpartum depression to understand that it is not the result of something she did or did not do. In other words, it is never the mother’s fault that postpartum depression develops. Postpartum Depression Causes.

There are many causes of postpartum depression in women. Genetics can fall into this category as well. Having a first-degree relative—a parent, sibling, or child—with depression increases someone’s chances of also developing depression. This isn’t a guarantee, of course, and minimizing other depression causes can help negate heredity.

Pregnancy is supposed to be one of the happiest times of a woman’s life, but for many women , this is a time of confusion, fear, stress, and even depression.

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