Monday, July 17, 2017

What is a manic depressed person

What is a manic depressed person? You should see most of the I. They dress like slobs, and no one bothers them. Manic depression is sometimes referred as bi polar disorder and is quite common. It is like a roller coaster ride.

Swings from deep depression to boundless enthusiasm and energetic behavior.

Depression is a wide range of mental states. Someone with bipolar disorder may experience manic “highs” with increased confidence or extreme irritability. They may also have periods of clinical depression.

Some people may go from manic to depressive periods rapidly while others will have a “normal” period in between. Bipolar disorder was formerly called manic depression. Mania often involves sleeplessness, sometimes for days,. People who have bipolar disorder commonly go through periods of depression or mania.

It can ruin the life not only of the person with the condition but also of those around them.

In addition to periods of heightened mania, bipolar disorder also involves bouts of serious depression. It manifests differently in each person , with some being more manic than depressed and vice versa. If someone you know has bipolar disorder, then knowing how to deal with a manic depressive will help you to relate with and help that person.

He or she will appreciate your concern. Of course, most people who wear bright colored clothing are not experiencing a manic or hypomanic episode. This is a subtle clue and can be helpful if it occurs with other manic or hypomanic symptoms. A depressed person in a manic episode may partake in inappropriate sexual activities. While completely monogamous normally, in a manic episode the person may cheat with multiple partners.

The sexual activities may take place in public places, as the individual may not recognize the legal implications. Both manic episodes and hypomania are characterized by increased amounts of self-esteem and grandiosity, racing thoughts, irritability, and goal-directed behaviors or activity. About percent are first diagnosed with unipolar depression (also called clinical depression or just plain depression). The symptoms or signs of a depressed episode are the same in both manic depression and ‘normal’ depression.

However, when you have a manic depression, you have manic episodes in addition to the depressed episodes. Mania is where a person will be overly enthusiastic, or excited for a period of time. The older term, manic depressive, has been replaced by.

They tend to display erratic behaviors that can cause havoc to their daily routines. They also tend to be very promiscuous, choosing to have sex impulsively with different partners.

A person has to have had at least manic or mixed episode. Find a Treatment Center for You. Any Insurance or No Insurance Ok.

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