How do you score a PHQ 9? What is the best screening tool for anxiety? PHQ-score ≥had a sensitivity of and a specificity of for major depression. The copyright for the PHQ-was formerly held with Pfizer, who provided the educational grant for Drs Spitzer, Williams and Kroenke who originally designed it. Use as a screening tool: To assist the clinician in making the diagnosis of depression.

To quantify depression symptoms and monitor severity. Refer to the accompanying PHQ-Scoring Box to interpret the TOTAL score. Multiply that number by the value indicated below, then add the subtotal to produce a total score. The possible range is 0-27. Use the table below to interpret the PHQ-score.
Construct validity was assessed using the 20-item Short-Form General Health Survey,. It has modules on mood ( PHQ-), anxiety, alcohol, eating, and somatoform disorders. The PHQ is 59-question instrument.

Total scores of 1 1 and represent cutpoints for mil moderate, moderately severe and severe depression, respectively. It may also be part of a complete psychiatric screening process that evaluates all areas of mental health. Its purpose is not to establish final diagnosis or to monitor depression severity, but rather to screen for depression. To score the instrument, tally the numbers of all the checked responses under each heading (not at all= several days= more than half the days= and nearly every day=3). Add the numbers together to total the score on the bottom of the questionnaire.
PHQ - scores can be used to plan and monitor treatment. CUESTIONARIO SOBRE LA SALUD DEL PACIENTE- ( PHQ-) Durante las últimas semanas, ¿qué tan seguido ha tenido molestias debido a los siguientes problemas? PHQ which is designed to be entirely self-administered by a patient.
Depression Screening ( PHQ - ) - Instructions. Patient Health Questionnaire ( PHQ-) Over the last weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? The following questions are a screening focusing on symptoms of depression. Please read each question carefully, then select the answer that indicates how much you have been bothered by that problem in the past weeks. This entire screening is processed on this local computer.
Scoring the PHQ-modified for Teens Scoring the PHQ-modified for teens is easy but involves thinking about several different aspects of depression. Patients who screen positive should be further evaluated with the PHQ-to determine whether they meet criteria for a depressive disorder. PHQ -A, PHQ - , PHQ - and PHQ - : Modified for Teens. One of the first screening instruments introduced to improve detection of mental health disorders in a busy setting was the PRIME-MD (an acronym for Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders), developed over years ago. It was developed by Dr.

Kurt Kroenke, and their colleagues at Columbia University. This depression test has a high degree of construct validity. Follow-up in four weeks.
Probably Inadequate Possibly no treatment change needed. Drop of 2-points from baseline. Share PHQ-with psychological counselor. Learn more about the questions, the score interpretation and first aid in depressive conditions below the tool. PHQ-SCORING CARD FOR SEVERITY DETERMINATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE for doctor or healthcare professional use only PHQ-QUICK DEPRESSION ASSESSMENT For initial diagnosis: 1. The video demonstrations show a care manager administering the PHQ-to a primary care patient in the initial visit and in the follow-up visit.
A factor analysis confirmed a 1-factor structure. Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis showed that a PHQ - threshold score of offered optimal discriminatory power with respect to diagnosis of MDD via the clinical interview (sensitivity= and specificity=).
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