Friday, September 2, 2016

Feeling like a zombie on antidepressants

Fact: When taken correctly, antidepressants will not change your personality. They will help you feel like yourself again. Many or most of the people that say “antidepressants make you a zombie” either took them and experienced it firsthand or knew someone who had that reaction, whether it was a frien family member, significant other, or someone else.

Prescribed an SSRI for anxiety, now I feel like a zombie. Next thing I knew, it was months later and I was sitting on the floor of my boyfriend’s dorm crying.

Feeling distant or detached was a close second at percent, while not feeling like yourself was third with 66. I had been absent for months. All three conditions can be considered forms of emotional blunting.

Voices I was like a numb zombie on antidepressants – pills should only be one part of the solution. I’m no doctor, but I know that from having researched antidepressants in order to compare them. I have an appointment with a psychiatrist at the end of the month because I can’t stand feeling like this anymore and my therapist, having worked with me for a year, is gently encouraging me in the antidepressant direction.

Not everyone has this reaction to antidepressants , but many people that try them end up feeling like they’ve transformed into a zombie as a result of having no emotions.

Antidepressants do not work like typical medications that work almost instantaneously. In this case the antidepressant is basically acting as a patch over painful emotions rather than improving natural emotions. This post prompted me to finally ask my question here.

If taking medication plays a part in feeling like a slightly happier, better version of myself, I’m not going. It actually STOPPED me feeling like a zombie and I could now experience emotions like joy, amusement, anger, and delight. Before that, I couldn’t even feel sad.

If you like a drink, this part will probably suck the most. It’s not like being on antibiotics where you can count down the days till you can get your face in a cocktail. That being sai we know there isn’t a lot of information out there to help people prepare for starting antidepressants for the first time. We asked our Mighty community to tell us what no one tells you about starting antidepressants. Here’s what they shared with us: 1. Hi So sorry to hear your feeling like a zombie ! Incidentally, for individuals with bipolar disorder, antidepressants may sometimes do more harm than good.

Depersonalization “Depersonalization to the max. I felt like I was watching myself from a distance, like things weren’t real.

Everyday, i feel like a zombie , like im not really living anymore. The side effects were so. Im also recovering from anorexia, and my mom is making me gain weight (she says 5lbs for now) or else she is taking me. I really hate when people post positive comments about antidepressants in articles like this.

Obviously you are going to feel better, the same way you would do if you took cocaine or got drunk. You are being drugged only, by your lack of emotional intelligence or wanting to face problems you instead take a pill to hack your brain and make you. Its been this way for years without being diagnosed and prescribed something decent. Wow, i had almost the exact same symptoms.

I felt the lack of emotions everyday even worse than it was before. It wasn't life changing. I stopped treatment after weeks as it made me feel awful. It took the withdrawls down a notch, made me a tad less irritable and zombie - like , but still no motivation for life, no reason to get out of be no weight loss, no energy to move.

It was like a blanket of numbness covered me, I could feel no real sadness and no happiness either.

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