Monday, September 19, 2016

Baby coughing at night

How to stop a baby crying at night? Is a night light bad for baby? If your child coughs or chokes frequently while she's asleep, she may have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that's sometimes caused by enlarged tonsils and adenoids (glands in the throat just behind the nose) blocking the upper airway passages during the night , making it difficult to breathe.

Why kids cough at night. Symptoms: Signs of a baby cough that may indicate a cold or the flu include a stuffy or runny nose and sore throat.

This kind of caught may be due to swelling around the larynx or due to an infection. This cough is due to colds or flu. Deep cough from the chest. Usually related to mucus in the airways.

Mild coughing and sniffing. Post-nasal drip is typically the cause of this cough. Another reason for nighttime coughing and choking in babies is infant reflux 1. Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial tubes , which is usually caused by a respiratory infection.

Most of the saliva escapes as drool but some may fall on the back of baby’s throat.

But coughs with a fever of 39°C (102° F) or higher can sometimes be due to pneumonia, especially if a child is weak and breathing fast. When you have a cough or col you might reach for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs to ease your symptoms. But you can't do that for babies or toddlers.

Relief You Nee Day or Night. Cough Remedies for Babies and Toddlers. I mean even if it isn’t a big deal us moms automatically go to the worst place and start freaking out. We have dealt with several baby coughing at night or colds and they are the absolute worst! Croup sounds like a bark, starts suddenly and usually occurs in the middle of night.

If baby is coughing at night, try gently elevating their mattress to keep their head above their chest and help clear congestion, Posner suggests. You can place a rolled towel or firm pillow beneath one end of the mattress, but never place loose bedding in baby’s crib. Coughing caused by a cold or the flu can worsen as mucus from the nose and sinuses pools in the throat and causes irritation.

Your tyke’s incessant coughing is keeping him and the entire family up at night, and his poor little chest and tummy are sore from all the exertion. But doctors say you shouldn’t head to the pharmacy for an over-the-counter, medicated cough syrup — since they’re not considered safe for young children. Most children come down with at least six to colds a year. Treat it with saline nose drops only, for a child who’s under six months of age, as over-the-counter products may have undesirable side effects.

Other possible symptoms include fever, irritability, crying, difficulty feeding, restlessness at night , and a cough. A baby or toddler may pull or rub at an ear. If your child has earache, with or without fever, you can give them paracetamol or ibuprofen at the recommended dose.

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