Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What causes postpartum depression

Difficulty bonding with your baby. Withdrawing from family and friends. Loss of appetite or eating much more than usual. Inability to sleep ( insomnia ) or sleeping too much. Overwhelming fatigue or loss of energy.

It is most commonly believed that postpartum depression stems from the drastic hormonal changes that take place during and after childbirth.

Decreased estrogen and progesterone levels place the body into a sudden hormonal shift. What causes postpartum depression ? After childbirth, the levels of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in a woman’s body quickly drop. Many non-hormonal factors may also affect mood during this period Changes in your body from pregnancy and delivery. A previous episode of postpartum depression or a family history of depression may increase your risk. This can cause your symptoms.

When To Seek Treatment. High Maintenance Babies. Without treatment, postpartum depression can get progressively worse.

It’s most dangerous when it leads to thoughts of harming yourself or others. Once these thoughts begin to occur, medical intervention is necessary. Signs of severe postpartum depression include: hallucinations, or seeing, hearing, smelling ,. One study found that around percent of new fathers experience postpartum or prenatal depression. Counseling and antidepressants are treatment options. Symptoms include sadness and hopelessness.

According to the DSM- a manual used to diagnose mental. A past episode of postpartum depression or a family history of depression may increase your risk. How is postpartum depression diagnosed? Healthcare providers will talk to you about how you are feeling and ask if.

These may include factors such as hormonal changes and sleep deprivation. Risk factors include prior episodes of postpartum depression , bipolar disorder, a family history of depression ,. Other factors that may contribute to postpartum depression include: Feeling tired after delivery, broken sleep patterns, and not enough rest often keeps a new mother from regaining her full strength for weeks. A number of studies have implicated the immune system (responsive to oxidative stress signals) in postpartum depression , as well as associated inflammatory markers like CRP and IL6. Theories of immune response have evolved to account for the interplay between genetics, environmental triggers, and hormones in such a way that makes postpartum onset mood and anxiety disorders a perfect candidate for viewing through this complex lens.

No one knows what triggers postpartum depression (PPD). It probably does not have a single cause. It likely from a combination of physical and emotional factors.

It’s important to know, though, that postpartum depression does not occur because of something a mother does or does not do. Any parent can develop postpartum depression , but the following factors may increase risk, according to the NIMH, which emphasizes that the condition can affect any woman regardless of age, race. A tendency to withdraw from relationships with family, friends,.

If your postpartum depression is severe and you experience postpartum psychosis, ECT may be recommended if symptoms do not respond to medication. ECT is a procedure in which small electrical currents are passed through the brain, intentionally triggering a brief seizure.

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