Thursday, November 26, 2020

What to do if your child is depressed

How to recognize depression in children? What is adolescent depression ? Not enjoying things that used to make your child happy. A marked change in weight or eating, either up or down.

One of the hardest things to deal with is your child’s pain.

If your child is depresse you probably are scared and feel helpless. There are ways that you can help your chil though. Recognize that clinical depression is a disease. Internalizing this fact will help your child in two ways.

Let your child know that it’s okay to be depressed. Children tend to hide things from parents that they think will upset them. Make it clear to your child that nothing they could say is as upsetting to you as being unable to help them because they’re afraid to hurt you.

Talk to your child frequently.

This sounds like a tall order. If you or your child feel that some of these symptoms are present and have persisted over an extended period of time, or if they are severe enough to interfere in their school functioning, their relationships (with parents, siblings, teachers or peers) or their activities,. But in reality, teens struggle with many of the same problems that adults do, including depression. Also, a depressed child can cause a parent much anxiety, guilt and frustration. Help your child with everyday tasks.

As in adults, depression in children can be caused by any combination of factors that relate to physical health, life events, family history, environment, genetic vulnerability and biochemical disturbance. In addition to general changes in your child’s personality, there are some other common signs associated with childhood depression of which you should be aware: Problems at school. Inability to concentrate. Lack of energy or caring. Like adults, children can suffer from depression, in this case: childhood depression.

It’s not uncommon and since children actually are the purest of humans, it might be safe to say if a child is depressed-and they actually tell you that-it’s a rather serious issue. Being a parent is rewarding, but tough. Try to find out whether anything is bothering him or her. Seek advice from your health-care provider.

Depression is both preventable and treatable. Coach your child to learn new skills.

During a time of episodic depression in your child’s life, I would recommend that you use more coaching and less limit setting. Why a Quiet Room is Important: Children who are depressed often exhibit distractibility and impaired concentration, so it’s important to get them in a soothing environment. Don’t try to have a talk with them about their behavior or about their coping skills when a lot of other distractions are present.

Excerpted from the book, here are seven things that you can say to your child when you’re depressed. If you think your child might be dealing with depression, talk to him or her about what 's going on and listen. Your loved one is sick. Encourage your child to share his or her feelings with you or someone else trusted.

Ask your child to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. Some colleges offer mental health services, though they may be limited. Communicate with your child. Listen without judgment.

Some children have problems with anxiety as well as depression. Some also have physical symptoms, such as headaches and stomach aches. Problems at school can be a sign of depression in children and teenagers and so can problem behaviour, especially in boys.

Older children who are depressed may misuse drugs or alcohol.

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