Thursday, January 10, 2019

H1n1 flu symptoms

Relief You Nee Day or Night. Occasionally, pigs transmit influenza viruses to people, mainly to hog farmers and veterinarians. Less often, someone infected with swine flu passes the infection to others. H1Nflu is also known as swine flu. That changed several years ago, when a new virus emerged that.

H1Nis a strain of influenza , or the flu.

There are several different types of the flu — A, B, C, and D. Influenza A and B cause seasonal epidemics throughout the cold months of the year. Swine flu is a type of influenza that originates in pigs. Only certain strains also affect humans.

H1Ninfluenza is a contagious respiratory disease that causes symptoms of seasonal influenza in people. The name swine flu was initially used to describe this type of influenza because laboratory tests showed that this strain of flu virus was made up of genes that were very similar to the ones that caused influenza among pigs ( swine ). These medications do not cure the illness, but they may shorten the duration, make symptoms less severe, or help you avoid it altogether if you are exposed. Like seasonal flu , pandemic swine flu can cause neurologic symptoms in children.

These events are rare, but, as cases associated with seasonal flu have shown, they can be very severe. These strains of swine flu rarely pass from human to human. How does a person catch swine flu? What were the initial symptoms of the H1Ninfluenza pandemic? What are the symptoms of swine flu?

The H1Nvirus that caused that pandemic is now a regular human flu virus and continues to circulate seasonally worldwide. The ten main symptoms of swine flu present themselves like a seasonal col and include… 1. It is not the same as seasonal flu ( influenza ). It was called swine flu early on because tests showed that it was like flu viruses that occur in swine (pigs). If you get sick with flu symptoms , in most cases, you should stay home and avoid contact with other people except to get medical care.

If, however, you have symptoms of flu and are at high risk of flu complications, or are very sick or concerned about your illness, contact your health care provider. Symptoms are similar to those of any other flu. We describe the vaccine and other treatments, as well as strategies.

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The virus is contagious and can spread from human to human.

Swine influenza symptoms can be broadly classified into two categories, the early symptoms and the serious symptoms. The CDC recommends that swine influenza be considered in people who have fever and respiratory symptoms , especially cough or a sore throat. Ill people may also have fatigue, chills, headache, or body aches. The flu often starts with chills, followed by a fever, muscle aches, headache, a sore throat, a cough, a runny nose, and a general feeling of illness. Your child may be able to spread H1Ninfluenza to others for week or longer after signs or symptoms appear.

Before heading towards its symptoms , you need to be aware that swine flu is a H1Nvirus communicable from one person to another. Swine influenza (also known as swine flu or pig flu ) is a respiratory disease that occurs in pigs that is caused by the Influenza A virus. Influenza viruses that are normally found in swine are known as swine influenza viruses (SIVs).

The known SIV strains include influenza C and the subtypes of influenza A known as H1N, H1N H3N H3Nand.

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