Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Flu symptoms in children

Relief You Nee Day or Night. What are the signs of influenza in children? What flu or cold symptoms are emergencies for children? Kids can spread the flu a day before their symptoms start, and 5-days after they get sick.

Hand-to-hand contact is another main method. Congestion: Congestion is a flu symptom that some people experience to a greater degree than others.

This type of virus causes a very mild respiratory illness or no symptoms at all. It does not cause epidemics. A flu virus is often passed from child to child through sneezing or coughing.

Here are some common flu symptoms in children: Fever. The flu in children will usually cause three or more (or all) of the following symptoms: High fever , chills. Cough and chest discomfort.

Clear or green runny nose. Body aches and chills are also common flu symptoms.

If you’re coming down with the flu virus, you may mistakenly blame body aches on something else, such as a recent workout. Most colds start with a sore throat and some stuffiness followed by other symptoms like cough and a mild fever on or about the third day. Flu generally starts more suddenly and severely than a col with a higher fever and chills. A child with the flu feels much more achy and uncomfortable.

Adults older than age 65. Residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. Pregnant women and women up to two weeks postpartum. If the child's illness is occurring during flu season, the doctor may judge the child to have flu simply from observing classic symptoms such as substantial fever (over 1degrees ), listlessness, and breathing problems in the upper respiratory tract and generalized muscle soreness. People with weakened immune systems.

There are many early flu symptoms evident in children. Symptoms like headache, vomiting and fever are early fly symptoms. Also stomach pain, sore throat and extreme fatigue are fly symptoms. Flu is not a major illness.

They might have: fever. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea (more common in children ) The flu usually lasts for about two weeks, with the most severe symptoms improving after two or three days. But fatigue caused by influenza. Other common flu symptoms include: Fever or feeling feverish (although not everyone with flu has a fever) Chills and body shakes.

With flu , the symptoms tend to come on rapidly and your child will look and feel more sick.

Children may complain of sore throat, muscle aches, headaches, weakness and feeling tired. Simply treat your symptoms with rest and over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Common signs and symptoms of the flu include: Fever over 100.

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