Thursday, March 31, 2016

What is masked depression

What is masked depression? Mike did not know it, but he was depressed. Psychology A form of depression that occurs in adolescents, who deal with depression through denial, somatization–. Depression in older adults that usually presents with physical symptoms or illness. It can be manifested by excessive sleeping, isolation, overeating, overspending, etc.

Depression is a global issue and it’s gradually making its way to be the most fatal disorder of the century.

According to World Health Organisation, approximately 3million people of all ages suffering from depression , making it the most common mental health issue. He or she also shows many of the physical symptoms of depression , but not often any of the psychological ones. Smiling depression often goes undetected. In concealed depression or masked depression , individuals have an atypical form of depression where they do not typically report that they feel sad most of the time, but are masking their symptoms. In some instances, they may be attempting to deal with their symptoms in a behavioral manner by downplaying their distress and overtly appearing to not be depressed.

As described in depresion symptoms, some of the depression symptoms are Physiological - for example loss of self esteem, inability to concentrate and lack of feelings. Others are physical like disturbed sleep, changed apetite, loss of sex drive, slowed speech, slowed movements and thoughts and intolerance of light and noise. Masked depression is an atypical form of depression in which the physical symptoms are quite prominent.

A number of factors can cause masked depression. Experiencing a stressful event, particularly the loss of a loved one, can trigger the condition. There are a number of factors that can increase your risk for masked depression. Define masked depression. English dictionary definition of masked depression.

Because it takes the form of indirect behaviors, the true source of the problem is obscured. It usually takes the appearance of symptoms for a person to even be remotely aware of the presence of masked depression. Think back to elementary school. When a person can’t sleep (or sleeps for far too long) every day, that may be a sign of hidden depression. Others turn to food or alcohol to try and quash their feelings.

Overeating can help someone who is depressed feel full,. Their public life is usually one that’s “put together,” maybe even what some would call normal or perfect. Signs Someone Is Suffering From Masked Depression. If left unnotice depression can turn out to be fatal for the person suffering from it and the people who surround that person.

Someone who suffers from concealed depression specifically is programmed to deal with their symptoms in a way that makes them easy to miss by outsiders. Thus materialistic depression likely is a masked depression in African-U. Find out information about masked depression.

Generally, the patient who is suffering from this ailment might not report low mood but exhibit some other symptoms which are indicative of this form of depression.

Depressive symptoms were considered secondary or did not even need to be present. The two major types of. Today this diagnosis does not play a significant clinical or scientific role. Most depressions present with some somatic complaints in addition to affective and cognitive ones.

About one half of all depressions seen by primary care physicians initially present predominantly or exclusively with somatic symptoms. And it’s a set-up for hidden depression. You may have an accompanying mental health issues, such as an eating disorder, an anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or addiction. People with perfectly hidden depression live their lives in a very controlled fashion. Synonyms for masked depression in Free Thesaurus.

Antonyms for masked depression. This should be understandable, since depression is a health problem you can’t “see” or strictly measure, making it hard to combat.

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